Under The Shades


1:49 am, Monday 28th, August 2023

© Harsh Mehta, created on 2023 (as mentioned above) All rights reserved. This poem may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior email permission from the author

[contact : gonewithharshwinds@gmail.com]

This intricate poem delves into the complex design of a relationship sparked by chance and guided by fate. It paints emotions as vivid hues, from laughter to pain, and weaves a narrative through the passage of time, leaving questions unanswered. The verses explore unspoken truths, the interplay of modern globalized world with human networks formed beyond borders, and the unresolved yet enduring nature of this enigmatic bond.

Thank you, please leave a mail on gonewithharshwinds@gmail.com if you like this and wish to see more.